On Wednesday 12 June at 7pm, the Grand Hôtel Dauphiné in Toulon will host an exceptional conference on transgenerational psychotherapy, hosted by the famous French psychologist and psychoanalyst, Bruno Clavier. This conference offers a unique opportunity to dive into the fascinating field of transgenerational psychoanalysis in the company of an internationally renowned expert.
Bruno Clavier is an undisputed reference in the field of transgenerational psychoanalysis. Psychoanalyst, clinical psychologist, university professor, author and trainer, he has devoted his career to the study of family dynamics and intergenerational transmissions. Her work has profoundly influenced the field of psychology and family therapy.
During this conference, Bruno Clavier will share his expertise on key concepts of transgenerational psychotherapy, exploring the complex links between generations and the unconscious mechanisms that influence our behaviors and family relationships. Drawing on his research and clinical experiences, he will provide valuable insight into how unresolved family histories and trauma can be perpetuated across generations, affecting our well-being-be psychological and our quality of life.
📍 Grand Hôtel Dauphiné
📆 June 12th 2024
💻 More informations : Billetterie
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